Thursday 24 April 2008


What is this?

This is a blog in which we all dialogue. Hence, Diablogue. Dia-Blog-ue. (Sexy, huh?)

What's soup got to do with blog on dialogue?

Hey that rhymes :) We like rhyming. Diablogue Soup comes from alphabet soup, because we think that dialoguing allows different people and opinions to all go into the same pot (this blog) and create a great, beneficial, tasty mix. Yeah, we can be deep. We also believe that dialogue is extremely important for cultural and global understanding. Chicken soup for our conflicted world. Soup is so much more than a starter.

So what do you do here?

Basically, this blog will consists of a series of conversations on any topic, in which anyone is welcome to participate.

Who are you?

We're Baby Kangaroo and Eureka. You can read all about us in the Diabloggers section of this blog.

How can I participate?

Feel free to comment on any and all our posts - everyone's thoughts are welcome.

Just a quick note on posting though: We frown upon censorship. Please don't force us to censor you by being personally nasty to other participants. Opinions and thoughts are great, malevolence isn't.

1 comment:

D said...
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